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Library Media Center

About the Media Center

  • Mission

    The mission of the Library Media program is to ensure that students and staff are effective users of ideas and information. This mission is accomplished by:

    • Providing intellectual and physical access to materials in all formats
    • Providing instruction to foster competence and stimulate interest in reading, viewing, and using information and ideas
    • Working with other educators to design learning strategies to meet the needs of individual students


     Media Center Use Class Groups

    Faculty members are encouraged to schedule a visit to the Library Media Center in conjunction with a planned lesson or project. I am happy to join in the goal setting for objectives, procedures, activities, and resources for the unit. There is a collaboration form to fill out with the Media Specialist to ensure the best use of time and effort. Due to COVID-19 we are only accepting groups of 10 or less students at a time. 

    It is mandatory that each student have a properly filled out and signed Library Pass to come to the Media Center for any reason. Lunch time use is an option for students.  


Mrs. Valentina Thompson


"When you absolutely, positively have to know, ask a Librarian."

- American Library Association

Mrs. Thompson has been a member of the John Marshall High School family since 2013.  

Mrs. Thompson currently serves at the Textbook Coordinator, Website Administrator, Social Media Coordinator, Class Sponsor for the class of 2024, Assistant Testing Coordinator  and Point Person for Chromebooks. 

The Library is open daily from 9:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.  After school hours are available upon request. Students are always welcome, with a pass from their current teacher.